
Biology Important MCQ

Question 1: The hilum in a typical angiospermic ovule represents the junction between:-?
A) Integuments and the embryo sac.
B) Embryo sac and the nucellus
C) Body of the ovule and the funicle
D) Nucellus and the fumicle
Explanation: Body of the ovule and the funicle
Question 2: The term used for the embryo entering into the state of inactivity as the seed mature is:-
A) Quiescent
B) Parthenogenesis
C) Parthenocarpy
D) Dormancy
Explanation: The term used for the embryo entering into the state of inactivity as the seed mature is Dormancy.
Question 3: The ploidy of the apomictic embryo developed from the integument cells and megaspore mother cell without reduction division respectively will be:–
A) 2 n and 2n
B) n and n
C) 2n and n
D) 3n and 2n
Explanation: 2 n and 2n
Question 4: An undifferentiated sheath covering the root cap of a monocotyledonous embryo is:
A) Scutellum
B) Coleorhiza
C) Coleoptile
D) Epiblast
Explanation: An undifferentiated sheath covering the root cap of a monocotyledonous embryo is Coleorhiza
Question 5: A typical angiosperm anther is _________ and _________.
A) Bilobed, tetrasporangiate
B) Bilobed, monosporangiate
C) Bilobed, bisporangiate
D) Tetralobed, monosporangiate
Explanation: A typical angiosperm anther is Bilobed and Tetrasporangiate.
Question 6: The innermost wall layer of anther
A) Is nutritive in function
B) Helps in dehiscence of anther
C) Is haploid and protective in function
D) Forms microspores
Explanation: Is nutritive in function
Question 7: The process of formation of microspores from a pollen mother cell is called
B) Microsporogenesis
C) Megagametogenesis
D) Microgametogenesis
Explanation: Microsporogenesis
Question 8: The pollen grain represents-
A) Male gamete
B) Male gametophyte
C) Microsporophyll
D) Microsporangium
Explanation: Male gametophyte
Question 9: The most resistant organic material known which makes up the outermost layer of pollen wall is–
A) Pectin
B) Cellulose
C) Sporopollenin
D) Lignin
Explanation: Sporopollenin
Question 10: The ploidy level of nucellus and female gametophyte respectively is
A) n, n
B) n, 2n
C) 2n, n
D) 2n, 2n
Explanation: 2n,n

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